Dangerous Goods Education Course

The road transport of dangerous goods involves various laws, codes, and standards.  

The National Bulk Tanker Association has designed this course to help individuals to better understand their obligations when transporting bulk dangerous goods by road.  

Comprising of 12 education modules costing only $149 – the course is applicable to anyone working in the road transport of bulk dangerous goods – drivers, business owners, contractors, consignors, loaders and their supervisors and managers. 

 Participants in the course can complete the modules at their own pace and need only undertake the modules that apply directly to their job and responsibilities.  It is an on-line, user -friendly course.

 Each module has one or more tests to confirm that participants understand the content. At the end of each module participants will receive a certificate of completion.

 The  12 modules  are:

  • Legal framework.
  • Classes and codes.
  • Documentation.
  • Placarding.
  • Safety laws, schemes and vehicle safety.
  • Safety equipment.
  • Dangerous goods rules on the road.
  • Transferring dangerous goods.
  • Maintenance check lists.
  • Developing a Transport Emergency Response Plan.
  • Exercising a Transport Emergency Response Plan
  • The driver’s role in a dangerous goods incident.

 If the above course sounds like the right fit, you can register by clicking the button below.  

Get started understanding the Transport of Dangerous Goods

The 12 Modules are

Bought to you by Industry Experts

The NBTA is proud to have produced this Education & Awareness Course with leaders in their field

Easy, Flexible Learning

Study at your own pace and select those modules that apply to you and your job role.

Contact us to find out more

Unsure what course modules may apply to you? Contact our friendly staff to assist you.